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Music label

Music Artist

Music artist


Hair products


dance school



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wood working

Which industries have I already worked with? 

  • Music

  • Music label

  • Booking Agency

  • Design

  • Photography

  • Hair products

  • Model

  • Real Estate

  • Dental technology

  • Printer series

  • Dance school

  • Timber construction

  • Online sales

  • Transport 

  • Medical articles / devices  

  • Metal construction

  • Boat building

  • Business consulting

  • Coaching


"Around 2016 I was having a really tough time with my business, I was about giving up. It was around the same time I have met my" partner in crime ", Franziska.  

She is self employed and running a business as a business advisor. In that moment I was completely on the ground because  I was dealing with huge difficulties.  

Because of the stress I was obligated to work on projects I didn't like at all in order to survive with my business.  


I was deeply unhappy and depressed and because of that I was suffering some physical issues.  


After a talk she mentioned she could help me already with some small changes and we decided to start working together.  

We literally rebuild my business completely new from the ground up.  


Since then we are working together as a strong team and we managed one success after the other.  

Today my business is in the best situation it has ever been. I have  a clear view about my future and my goals again.

And not only my business also my physical and mental condition reached a new level. 

I feel strong, powerful and happy.  

I can strongly recommend working together with Franziska. She is a power house. Very able, very into her job and with the heart on the right spot. "

“Have you ever had the feeling that you never have time for the things that really move your company forward and expand?


You deal with 1,000 little things a day, you are really busy and come home late at night, completely exhausted.


Of course you have been productive and have managed a lot of small things, but it can be much more efficient, more productive and, above all, easier.


We were able to experience all of this ourselves thanks to Franziska's very competent and uncomplicated manner.

A lot of unnecessary work could be saved. An uncomplicated, very helpful organizational structure has emerged. The production increased continuously. The correct actions have been taken.


It is an indescribable feeling to see what we have achieved in the last 3 years of our extremely successful cooperation.


One can simply say that without Franziska's help, we would not be where we are today. "

"You have been on my side for about 1 year.

I have doubled my annual turnover despite Corona and a 3-month work ban. I owe that to our cooperation.


You always pull me out of the quagmire of work and help me to see how things are going ... You don't stand still, resting on the current success is not your survival strategy. You drive me, you ask what are the next goals.


Working with you make my visions clearer and clearer and clearer. By visualising the goals together, it is so easy to put things into action.


Your entrepreneurial know-how flows 100% into my business.

Basically, your passion, your know-how and your ability to empower me are priceless.


And the absolute bonus on top is; working with you is like recharging your batteries, I feel refreshed and strengthened.


You have established my marketing (website, social media, Google, etc.), my own product series, the growth to 2 employees and, last but not least, my own salon expansion.


What can I say ... you are my stable pillar, with your help my dreams will come true. 


I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As an employee, I repeatedly had difficulties with the organization of my work. Because I work as part of a team, I often didn't know what I could improve.


Franziska helped me understand what I can do. She gave me practical advice, changed my perspective on my work and strengthened my position.


I take an important point with me from every appointment with her, which I always implement. I notice the effect of this every day in my work: I am calmer and significantly less stressed. Ultimately, that also has a positive effect on my team.

Franziska's positive nature makes coaching an absolute pleasure. It's an appointment that I always look forward to, that motivates me and opens up new perspectives for me.


With Franziska, I dare to spin ideas and take on challenges that I would normally not dare to tackle.


Business coaching is not a luxury - even for permanent employees - but a must for everyone who wants to develop and implement their vision of the perfect job.

"Since my usual actions didn't improve anything, my first idea was to get someone on board for marketing, economics and business structure.  

Franziska is exactly the right person here. She is excellent connected with competent people from these sectors.  

She is modern and fast. Through her comprehensive analysis of my marketing channels, we came to interesting results.  

I learned so much about advertising and marketing in that time - I never would have thought it. All of her analyses, actions, help and suggestions immediately brought improvements and orders poured in.  

In the last 8 weeks we have been able to establish a lot of things, improve and reinforce what I already have. Thus I reached a new permanent record of incoming orders.  

This has never happened before.  

Without the professional help of a competent person - Franziska Daniel - I would never have made it.  

It takes courage, discipline and hard work.  

But the enthusiasm with which Franziska does her job, and the fact that the whole thing is also a lot of fun, is just worth it.  

Conclusion: I would do it again and again. Franziska continues to support me and my goals. "

"I started to work with Franziska (More Able) to restructure and reorganize my company. This action helped me a lot to stabilize my company and put the attention back on the production.  

Her tools and know-how are very valuable which helped me to grow as a company but also as individual.  

Some drastic changes were made by choosing the right people to work with wich had a temporary impact of the development of the company - also visible in my statistics. :) "

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